Thoughts from a Central Valley Pastor

Category: Critical Theory

Let God Define Gender

The question of gender identity can be answered with the clarity that comes from the hard science of genetics and the firm foundation of the Bible. 

The “Trends vs. Truth” series at GBC Lemoore is off to a good start. Last week we looked at Critical Race Theory’s insistence that the world should be drawn with skin-colored crayons. Everything is about race, CRT proponents claim, and if you don’t agree then you are being racist. My article made the argument that God’s word encourages humans to look past someone’s skin and realize the problems in the world come from their sin! Each human is born in rebellion against God and each of us must repent and be made right with God through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

This week we are looking at the “Gender Question.” Proponents of gender theory like to pull out the crayon box as well. They argue that gender is fluid. You can color in your gender from a veritable rainbow of colors. Here is a partial list of the gender colors you can choose from: agender, bigender, cisgender, gender fluid, transgender, gender varient, and two-spirit. In case you are wondering, male and female don’t get their own color, they are both contained in the term “cisgender,” which means “a person whose gender identity corresponds with the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth.” (Merriam-Webster dictionary) 

Did you notice what just happened there? The term “cisgender” assumes you will accept the notion that there is a difference between biological gender and biological sex. Gender theory is built on that assumption, but you don’t have to take that theoretical leap. The Bible certainly does not. Genesis 1:27 makes it very clear, “male and female he created them.” There is no difference between gender and sex. There are only two options and each person’s gender and sex are decided for them when the sperm enters the egg at the time of conception. 

Jenny Graves is a distinguished professor of genetics at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia. She knows that if a human sperm has a Y chromosome it will join with the X chromosome in the egg and create a little baby boy. She also knows that if the sperm has an X chromosome the little girl will be a girl. Gender and sex are determined at conception based on the irrefutable evidence of human biology. 

In 2017, Moran Gershoni and Shmuel Pietrokovski published a research paper in the BMC Biology journal that made Jenny Graves realize her belief in the genetic impact of someone’s sex was much more pervasive than previously thought. The paper was titled “The landscape of sex-differential transcriptome and its consequent selection in human adults.” In it, evidence was given that shows that almost one third of the 20,000 genes that men and women share behave differently based on whether the individual is a man or a woman. So, not only does a man and woman’s brain tissue function differently. If I understand the research correctly, almost one third of human tissue behaves differently based on whether the original sperm had an X or a Y chromosome. 

Once again science and the Bible correct the coloring box of critical theory. In this case it is gender theory that needs to reduce the crayons in the box. Male and female are the genders that God has given humanity and we need to learn to live with the gender He has graciously given each of us at birth. Is it easy to live as a woman in this world of ours? No, it is not. Is it easy to live as a man, same answer. Why? Because we are all living in a fallen world. We all struggle to live the way God intended. We have all lied and lusted. We have all felt the pain of sin and death. There is sickness and disease. We are constantly tempted to follow desires that we should not pursue. 

This is not to say that one desire is worse than another. In God’s sight all sin is the same. Lust for someone who is not your spouse is sin. It is that simple. Marriage is given as a wonderful gift from God to encourage men and women to have companionship, hopefully have children, and make disciples among the nations (Matthew 28:19-20). We need to submit to God’s definition of gender so we can think and act in the way that He intended. 

This article was published in the Hanford Sentinel under the heading, “We all struggle to live as God intended, no matter what gender we may be.” The editor made the change and I am not too concerned because if you read the article you can tell I do not advocate gender fluidity.

The Myth of Critical Race Theory

Many people refer to Derrick Bell as the father of Critical Race Theory (CRT). He worked tirelessly to promote a racially driven philosophy of law during his tenure as the first African American professor at the Harvard School of Law (1971-1990). He wrote books and articles. He spoke at conferences and even staged protests to seek to legitimize CRT in the American consciousness. Those who agreed to the presence of systemic racism in the United States were said to have “woken up” to the endless oppression of minority groups. Those who disagreed were dismissed as narrow-minded racists. 

One political scientist named Adolph Reed Jr. heard Derrick Bell speak at a Harvard conference in 1991. He remembered that Bell made the audacious claim that African Americans had made no progress in society since the end of the Civil War. Mr. Reed dismissed Bell’s comments as “more a jeremiad than analysis.” A jeremiad is a “long, mournful complaint” made against a perceived injustice. In Bell’s case his complaint was negated by the fact that he was a tenured African American Harvard professor. 

We shouldn’t be surprised that Derrick Bell’s teaching was lacking in logical clarity. You see the philosophy he believed in did not require it. Critical Race Theory is not like other social sciences that encourage analysis and critique. No, CRT is the opposite of analytical. It is subjective. It does not try to explain why something exists. It merely declares that systemic racism is real and then looks for ways to support it. Common sense is not needed with CRT. The only sense that is needed is one that looks for racism under every stone.  

The Oxford dictionary of Critical Theory defines the theory like this, “The word critical should thus be understood to mean the opposite of analytical. It refers to a set of concepts whose reach is always greater than their grasp. Critical Theory is interested in why human society failed to live up to Marxist enlightenment and became what it is today, unequal, unjust and largely uncaring.” This pessimistic perspective on society feeds off a victim mentality. As long as people buy into the myth of the oppressed and the oppressor it can survive, but when the bubble of critical theory bursts, the subjective foundation of CRT crumbles. 

The apostle Paul warned the church in Ephesus about false teachers who would promote “myths and endless genealogies.” He warned Timothy that they “do not understand either what they are saying or the things about which they make confident assertions.” (1 Timothy 1:7 ESV) The Bible reveals CRT to be a myth because the Bible teaches all humans belong to one race, the race that God created in His image (Genesis 1:27). If proponents of CRT would accept the bible’s unifying outlook on humanity then the divisive worldview of CRT would come to an end. 

When Max Horkheimer (1895-1973) coined the term “critical theory,” Darwinian thought was very much in vogue. Race was not seen as a social construct, but as a scientific category that separated one group of people from another. Geneticists did not know that 99.9% of human DNA is shared by all humans, regardless of differences of skin color or ethnicity. The myth of racial division was maintained because people had been taught to think in terms of the color of their skin and not the content of their character. 

Thankfully, geneticists are now calling for “race” to be disbanded as a category. Michael Yudell, a professor of public health at Drexel University in Philadelphia wrote, “It’s a concept we think is too crude to provide useful information, it’s a concept that has social meaning that interferes in the scientific understanding of human genetic diversity and it’s a concept that we are not the first to call upon moving away from.” 

As with any myth, there comes a time when truth makes it fade away. I for one am tired of people referring to each other by the color of their skin. We need to realize race is not a helpful category for humans. Darwin had no problem referring to people by their skin color because he thought certain people came from chimps and others from gorillas! He promoted referring to people like animals because he thought that is where we came from! 

I won’t be surprised if evolutionists continue to use racist terminology to describe people, but Christians should not. According to the Bible, there is only one race, the human race. We believe humans are made in the image of God! Let’s honor Him by referring to his creation in an honorable way. That will help bring an end to the myth of Critical Race Theory by reminding everyone that we all come from one race, the race of Adam and Eve!