Thoughts from a Central Valley Pastor

Category: Gender

The Godly Woman of Proverbs Thirty-One

The Bible gives a refreshingly clear description of an ideal woman in Proverbs 31:10-31. It is refreshing because it is not focused on the outward appearance of a woman. The twenty-two verses in this passage are overflowing with colorful imagery and practical illustrations of the kind of woman who “is to be praised.” It is important to note that the Bible does not require women to be married to faithfully serve God (1 Corinthians 7:7-8). Those who are married have a specific role to play in God’s glorious plan, but the principles listed in Proverbs 31 provides guidance regardless of whether someone is single or married. 

Many Christians are aware of the importance of the passage, but what is not as well known is that every stanza begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet, starting with Aleph and ending with Tau. One reason the original author created this abecedarian, was to paint a complete picture of a Godly woman. This helped the readers of Proverbs to grasp the attitude and actions that God wants woman to have. 

This ancient wisdom has been helpful for women of every generation that have had access to it. As a husband of one such woman, I can personally attest to the joy and peace that is brought into the world by women who seek to follow after these principles. My prayer is that this article will bring a renewed interest in this profound teaching about God’s view of a wise woman. 

One of the unique aspects of this chapter is that the author goes out of his way to highlight the unique value that a woman of God brings to her husband. The modern reader might be surprised that husbands are mentioned in a chapter about women, but this is no surprise to the informed reader of Scripture. Genesis 2:15-18 

specifies that God’s intention in creating Eve was to be a “suitable helper” for her husband. Ephesians 5:22-27 gives even more detail regarding God’s beautiful design for marriage. The author, the apostle Paul, commands each husband to love his wife in a sacrificial way, modeled after the incomparable servanthood of Jesus Christ. In verse 22, the apostle Paul specifies that each wife is to submit to her husband’s leadership of the family. Far from encouraging wives to subjugate themselves to the sinful domination of a worldly husband, this is a profound encouragement for wives to follow the loving leadership of a husband who is being held accountable by the perfect guidance of a good and gracious God. 

This picture of a Godly wife supporting her loving husband is masterfully displayed in Proverbs 31:10-31. The passage includes three references to the husband and each of them show the special value that a woman of God can bring to her husband. Verses 10-12 state that a Godly wife “is more precious than jewels.” She has earned the trust of her husband and he is convinced that his relationship with her will bring him success, and not harm, all her life. 

Verse 23 is the next place that mentions the connection between a husband and an ideal woman of God. It says, “ Her husband is known in the gates when he sits among the elders of the land.” The verses above and below imply that his wife’s excellent work and remarkable industry are one of the reasons her husband has such a good reputation in the city. 

Verses 28-31 bring a nice bookend to the passage because they reveal that a Godly woman will be praised by her children and her husband, “Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many jwomen have done kexcellently, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.” The last sentence implies that her husband is the one recognizing his wife’s remarkable service to him, his family, and the community. 

The majority of the chapter is filled with detailed descriptions of the activity and attitude of an ideal woman of God. She is actively involved in the oversight of the business of the home. She is sacrificial in her concern for her children and for the responsibilities she has been given. She does not praise herself or demand recognition. Her praise comes from the lips of others. Proverbs 27:2 reinforces the idea of measuring the value of a woman of God from the words of others, “Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips.” Ultimately, the value of each woman is only decided by the God who made her. Scripture is also clear that a woman does not have to be married in order to be faithful to God. In fact, the apostle Paul wrote that there was much value for both men and women to remain single (1 Corinthians 7:7-8). Regardless of someone’s marital status, each person can benefit by studying the example given in Proverbs 31 and each person can prayerfully ask God to help them live in a way that is pleasing to Him. 

No Need for Confusion

Recently there has been a desire by some to change the pronouns that are used to describe the gender of individuals. The idea is that someone’s preferred pronouns can be different than their biological gender. This has caused some confusion in certain English speaking countries as certain institutions have tried to legislate the use of pronouns in professional and academic settings. 

To get a sense of how confusing this gender gerrymandering can be just consider this partial list of first person singular pronouns: he, she, ve, xe, ze/zie, ae, fae, per, they, and e/ey. As you might imagine, this can cause considerable confusion because an individual can request to be called by any of these terms and the person can change their preference at will. One day a coworker may ask to be called “xe.” The next day the pronoun preference may be “fae.”

Thankfully, the Christian has no need to be confused by this trend. The Bible makes it clear that Christians do not need to wonder about this issue because God’s word gives two options for the gender of a human being, male or female. All the pronouns in the Bible work around this understanding because they have been revealed to humanity by God himself. The very first chapter of the Bible makes this abundantly clear, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27 –  English Standard Version) 

There are 31,102 verses in the sixty-six books of the English Bible. Of those verses, there are 7,220 references to a biological male using the word “he” and “737” references to a woman using the word “she.” The amount of gender specific references to male and female words increases dramatically as soon as the search turns from English to the original languages of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. 

The original languages of the Bible are gendered languages. This means that the subject, object, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions are either masculine, feminine, or neuter. This means that every sentence repeatedly clarifies that the people mentioned are masculine or feminine. Trying to read a genderless Bible would be incredibly confusing because the original meaning is tied to the concept of two genders. 

The gender clarity of the Bible is so helpful for the Christian because he knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that his gender is the same as his biological sex. There is no confusion about the gender of the historical figures mentioned in the Bible. There is no confusion about how the Bible instructs men to interact with women, “Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” (Eph. 5:25) Christian men know they are to treat older men as fathers and younger men as brothers, “older women as mothers, younger women as sisters, in all purity.” (1 Tim. 5:2) This creates a strong foundation for Christian men, women, boys and girls because they know their gender and they know how God wants them to live and function as a result. Instead of being restrictive, this is actually incredibly freeing to know who you are as a child of God. Instead of being confused about gender the Christian is confident and is able to seek to live in the way God intended him to live. 

As a side note, I have been curious to see how the trend for pronoun preference has impacted modern gendered languages like Spanish. I found one article that describes “Lenguaje Inclusivo” and it describes how Spanish can be changed from using the gendered endings of “o” and “a” and replacing them with “e”. For instance, “mis hijos son lindos” would need to become “mis hijes son lindes.” Can you imagine how confusing this would be for the Spanish speaker? The reason it would be difficult is because a non-gendered version of Spanish is actually a completely different language that would have to be written, read, and spoken differently than modern Spanish. 

One study found that 38% of the 4,000 languages studied are gendered languages. If this desire to change pronoun preference were to take place world-wide it would mean that hundreds of languages would have to die out in order to become non-gendered languages! 

It is no surprise to me that the movement towards non-gendered language has come from English speakers. If people would read the Bible in the original languages they would quickly see the folly of their attempt to change language as we know it! Personally, I am glad I have the rock-solid foundation of God’s word undergirding my worldview. The Christian has no need for gender confusion. We know we were created in God’s image and that gives us the wonderful simplicity of a world with biological men and women who can discover God and live in a way that is pleasing to him. 

Feminism vs. Femininty

Feminism steals from women the beautiful design of femininity that God intended for them to pursue. Instead of rebelling against God’s wonderful design, women can discover the beauty that comes from living the way God intended.

Rebecca Lemke is an author and blogger who writes about her struggle to live as a woman of God in a godless society. I was struck by an article she wrote titled, “Feminism tried to steal my femininity.” In it she describes how, “Feminism, not the patriarchy, was what tried to steal my choices and my femininity.” She included the following quote as an accurate summary of her thoughts on feminism, 
“I think there is a fundamental understanding that lies at the root of feminism. This has impacted women of all ages, but I think it has especially impacted these young girls. This sense that freedom is the ability to do whatever I want, whenever I want, and that the earlier I can experience this total freedom, the better. But we know that freedom is the ability to do what you ought to do, to do the good, to choose the good.” – Coleen Carrol Campbell (emphasis added)

Jesus Christ told his disciples, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32) What a beautiful concept! The truth will set you free. The truth doesn’t restrict and burden God’s people. It liberates them to live the way God intended. The truth about femininity is that God has designed women in a wonderful way and he wants them to pursue the high calling He has given them. If a woman will repent of her sin and trust that Jesus Christ died on the cross to save her then she will be saved (Acts 2:38). If a Christian woman will commit her life to Christ, then she will seek to live the way God intended her to live. 

The Bible explains that the essence of femininity is to receive what God has given. God created Eve to be a helpmate for Adam (Genesis 2:18). She was to receive this calling and purpose and find great fulfillment in pursuing her calling as a servant of God by helping her husband in his unique purpose and calling. Unfortunately, Eve wanted to have more than God gave and so she fell into sin and took what had not been given to her. 

Mary, on the other hand, is a positive example of femininity in the Bible. When Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel, she responded the way God intended. She said, “I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.”(Luke 1:38) Her reply is the essence of femininity. She was ready to receive what God had given her, and she flourished as a result. 

Elizabeth Elliot paints a picture of femininity in a chapter entitled “The Essence of Femininity.” She writes, “Think of a bride. She surrenders her independence, her name, her destiny, her will, herself to the bridegroom in marriage. This is a public ceremony, before God and witnesses. Then, in the marriage chamber, she surrenders her body, her priceless gift of virginity, all that has been hidden. As a mother she makes a new surrender—it is her life for the life of the child. This is most profoundly what women were made for, married or single (and the special vocation of the virgin is to surrender herself for service to the Lord and for the life of the world).” Taken from Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (1991). 

Feminism is at odds with the calling that God revealed for women in His word. The Oxford Leaners Dictionary defines feminism as “the belief and aim that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men; the struggle to achieve this aim.” Bell Hooks wrote that “feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression.” The last word of Hooks definition reveals how much modern feminism has been influenced by critical theory, which is a philosophy that divides the world into the oppressed and the oppressor. 

According to feminism, men are the oppressors and women are the oppressed. And any God who describes a purpose and roles for women that do not fit with the feminists ideals of equality is thus also considered to be oppressive. This makes the feminist ideology incompatible with Scripture. As Elisabeth Elliot writes, “The feminist theology of Christians (I cannot call it “Christian feminist theology”) is a Procrustean bed on which doctrine and the plain facts of human nature and history, not to mention the Bible itself, are arbitrarily stretched or chopped off to fit.” 
Feminism steals from women the beautiful design of femininity that God intended for them to pursue. Instead of rebelling against God’s wonderful design, women can discover the beauty that comes from how God intended both men and women to live. 

Let God Define Gender

The question of gender identity can be answered with the clarity that comes from the hard science of genetics and the firm foundation of the Bible. 

The “Trends vs. Truth” series at GBC Lemoore is off to a good start. Last week we looked at Critical Race Theory’s insistence that the world should be drawn with skin-colored crayons. Everything is about race, CRT proponents claim, and if you don’t agree then you are being racist. My article made the argument that God’s word encourages humans to look past someone’s skin and realize the problems in the world come from their sin! Each human is born in rebellion against God and each of us must repent and be made right with God through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

This week we are looking at the “Gender Question.” Proponents of gender theory like to pull out the crayon box as well. They argue that gender is fluid. You can color in your gender from a veritable rainbow of colors. Here is a partial list of the gender colors you can choose from: agender, bigender, cisgender, gender fluid, transgender, gender varient, and two-spirit. In case you are wondering, male and female don’t get their own color, they are both contained in the term “cisgender,” which means “a person whose gender identity corresponds with the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth.” (Merriam-Webster dictionary) 

Did you notice what just happened there? The term “cisgender” assumes you will accept the notion that there is a difference between biological gender and biological sex. Gender theory is built on that assumption, but you don’t have to take that theoretical leap. The Bible certainly does not. Genesis 1:27 makes it very clear, “male and female he created them.” There is no difference between gender and sex. There are only two options and each person’s gender and sex are decided for them when the sperm enters the egg at the time of conception. 

Jenny Graves is a distinguished professor of genetics at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia. She knows that if a human sperm has a Y chromosome it will join with the X chromosome in the egg and create a little baby boy. She also knows that if the sperm has an X chromosome the little girl will be a girl. Gender and sex are determined at conception based on the irrefutable evidence of human biology. 

In 2017, Moran Gershoni and Shmuel Pietrokovski published a research paper in the BMC Biology journal that made Jenny Graves realize her belief in the genetic impact of someone’s sex was much more pervasive than previously thought. The paper was titled “The landscape of sex-differential transcriptome and its consequent selection in human adults.” In it, evidence was given that shows that almost one third of the 20,000 genes that men and women share behave differently based on whether the individual is a man or a woman. So, not only does a man and woman’s brain tissue function differently. If I understand the research correctly, almost one third of human tissue behaves differently based on whether the original sperm had an X or a Y chromosome. 

Once again science and the Bible correct the coloring box of critical theory. In this case it is gender theory that needs to reduce the crayons in the box. Male and female are the genders that God has given humanity and we need to learn to live with the gender He has graciously given each of us at birth. Is it easy to live as a woman in this world of ours? No, it is not. Is it easy to live as a man, same answer. Why? Because we are all living in a fallen world. We all struggle to live the way God intended. We have all lied and lusted. We have all felt the pain of sin and death. There is sickness and disease. We are constantly tempted to follow desires that we should not pursue. 

This is not to say that one desire is worse than another. In God’s sight all sin is the same. Lust for someone who is not your spouse is sin. It is that simple. Marriage is given as a wonderful gift from God to encourage men and women to have companionship, hopefully have children, and make disciples among the nations (Matthew 28:19-20). We need to submit to God’s definition of gender so we can think and act in the way that He intended. 

This article was published in the Hanford Sentinel under the heading, “We all struggle to live as God intended, no matter what gender we may be.” The editor made the change and I am not too concerned because if you read the article you can tell I do not advocate gender fluidity.