The pandemic has been a trial that has lasted for the last two years. There has been a temptation to put our trust in masks and mandates, but the Bible always calls us to put our trust in God.
Next week, on February 15th, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) will lift the mask mandates that have been in place since December 15, 2021. Governor Newsom has promised to update the state’s strategy of dealing with Covid-19 from a “pandemic” approach, which seeks to eliminate the virus, to an “endemic” approach, which seeks to treat Covid-19 like any other virus.
This update comes just two weeks after the governor and the mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, were seen maskless at the Rams-49ers playoff game. The mayor gave the following explanation for why he wasn’t wearing a mask, “When people ask for a photograph, I hold my breath.” This is a far cry from Garcetti’s words in July of last year, “Wearing a mask is critical to helping us stop the spread of this virus, safely reopen our city and save lives.” If wearing a mask can make the difference between life and death, then Garcetti is playing a dangerous game by removing it at a public event.

It is also interesting to note that the guidelines on large events will be changing soon. Indoor events can have up to 1,000 in attendance, while outdoor attendance can be up to 10,000. SoFi stadium, where the governor and mayor were recently seen holding their breath, had 74,447 people in attendance. That is seven times higher than what the state mandates, but no one from the CDPH was there trying to stop them. After all, Sofi stadium is technically an outdoor venue so the thousands of unmasked fans didn’t have to worry about holding their breath.
Christians gathering in churches across California will not see much of a change from the February 15th rule change. The mandate on indoor church attendance has been the same since April 12, 2021, when the capacity limit was completely lifted, due to “recent judicial rulings.” Technically speaking, the CDPH mandates were downgraded to “recommendations” for churches. This was applied to singing restrictions, mask guidelines, social distancing, and indoor capacity.
It has been interesting to visit churches during the last six months. Wherever I have entered the doors of churches it has felt like I am entering a pre-pandemic sanctuary, where people are not living in fear of government mandates. They have been wise and reasonable about the virus and by the grace of God they have seen God sustain them through the pandemic.
This does not mean that churches have been unaffected by the pandemic. Of course people have become sick and some have been called home to be with our Heavenly Father. This is never easy, but God’s word gives us the right perspective to deal with the trial. James 1:2 says, “Consider it all joy my brothers when you encounter trials of various kinds, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance and let endurance have its perfect result, so you can be perfect and complete lacking in nothing.” (English Standard Version)
The churches who saw the pandemic as a trial were able to keep the right mindset during the last two years. They did not give in to the temptation to put their trust in man or masks, mandates or medicine. No, the Christian puts his trust in God. Psalm 20:7 says, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.” (ESV)